Call For A Free Consultation(847) 220-1560

Law Offices of Mary Kennedy

Kirubakaran B.

“I got to know Mary through Covid Immigration awareness Q&A session in April 2020. I was really amazed with her well-bred comments and answers.

Then I had a consultation for my immigration case recently. She was very quick to reach out and she understands the urgency. She prioritizes and provided consultation quickly. She provided detailed explanation, all the options and better suggestion on my case.

She never limits her support for appointment, she is always accessible and can reach her for any clarifications any time. She is very professional, knowledgeable and go-to person.”

Mary Kennedy

We strive to ease your mind regarding your immigration case
through our competent and confidential services, our frequent
communication with you, and our convenient appointment
availability. Call for a Free Consultation (847) 220-1560)

We Serve Clients Throughout United States. Call For A Free Consultation
(847) 780-2880